Who are Ron and Johanna?

Many people dream about a self-sufficient existence. A few rare ones live it every day.

Ron and Johanna are what some people call modern-day pioneers.

Ever since the late 1970s, they’ve been surviving and thriving off the grid:

Growing their own meat and vegetables and preserving them year-round.

Making natural remedies from common backyard plants.

Collecting their own safe water for drinking and cooking.

Heating the house and getting hot water practically for free.

Generating the electricity they needed for the entire household.

...and building many other ingenious survival projects anyone can use around the house to increase their self-sufficiency and cut costs.

Everything they’ve used to live a good life for the past 43 years was either made by them or paid
for with what the homestead produced each month, including their own electricity.

“A wire from the power grid has never been connected to any of the homes I’ve lived in. I don’t
even know what a power bill looks like. Yet I have all the electricity I want.” – Ron

If you want to follow in their footsteps and have your own reliable source of electricity, Ron has
written about the best things they’ve learned regarding living without electricity from the grid.

It’s a book everyone should have on their bookshelves: